
Easily rotate gnupg encryption keys of fully or partially encrypted files. 🧂


This project was created to help with the rotation of secret keys on saltstack controllers. Like probably at least some of you I am bad at rotating encryption keys due to the effort and time required. This tool is meant to make that task quick and painless.



Documentation is hosted at and prebuilt zip files of the project documentation are available for download from the Releases page.


  • It’s fast! Rotate your keys in seconds

  • Encrypted blocks are updated in-place in your files, keeping surrounding context and current indentation

  • Trace level logging using --log-level trace will show you the decrypted block contents as well as the re-encrypted blocks for you to manually validate the changed before applying them

  • No changes to your data will be made unless the --write flag is given


  • GitHub Discussions - Discussion forum hosted by GitHub; ideal for Q&A and other structured discussions