Setting Up for Development

Here we will set up your system to develop this project.

Install dependencies

You will need the following python modules installed on your system:

  • poetry

  • nox

  • nox-poetry

  • pre-commit

pipx install poetry
pipx install pre-commit
pipx install nox
pipx inject nox nox-poetry
pip install poetry nox nox-poetry pre-commit

You will also need either conda or mamba for virtual environment management. I am partial to miniforge myself which includes both utilities but any flavor of installer should work as long as conda or mamba are present on your system.

See the Miniforge README and installation instructions for your operating system

sudo dnf install conda

Checkout the project and install git hooks

Checkout the upstream or your own fork of the project

# checkout the project locally
git checkout

# install commit hooks
cd salt-gnupg-rotate
pre-commit install --install-hooks

Now you should be set up to develop the project.

See Running Tests for how to run the test suite.